Titan Heavy Lift Vehicle
The Titan Heavy Lift Vehicle (HLV)
is the Protectorate’s primary interstellar troop transport. They are designed
to move large amounts of troops and heavy equipment quickly and safely from one
star system to the next, and deliver them in potentially hostile conditions.
These are the ships that are
required to move large combat vehicles such as the Trebuchet and the Wolfhound.
Each Titan can move an entire platoon of tanks, APCs or combat robots and their
crews, or an entire company of marines.
The HLVs are a heavily-used
workhorse during wartime operations. While the Protectorate can employ a
variety of transports for hauling goods and material, special considerations
required a unique vehicle for transporting men and weapons of war. Combat
vehicles tend to be heavy, and also travel with massive amounts of ordinance.
Their crews need accommodations as well. The same goes for combat personnel.
These are needs a normal transport often cannot meet. The Titan, with special
vehicle bays, ordinance racks and, essentially, an internal barracks, can take
just about any ground force anywhere.
The Titan comes equipped with 240
sleeper pods (used both for hibernation and as normal beds), a galley, showers
and heads. A colonial marine company typically consists of about 180 personnel.
The Titan itself has a crew of 18, most of whom stay awake through all but the
longest voyages (three weeks or more). Colonial marines always hibernate on any
trip of longer than three days.
Though it is a transport vessel, the
HLV has powerful defensive weaponry. It has a large medium-range missile
launcher, particle beam cannon and defensive rail guns. These armaments are not
enough to make it a combat vessel, but they are excellent at providing the ship
enough breathing room to land, drop its cargo, and take off again. Still, HLVs
are always escorted by fighters, pinnaces, frigates or destroyers. HLVs are
usually sent in large numbers, as part of a task force whose specific job it is
to deliver them into a hot zone. Such a task force usually includes a cruiser,
an escort carrier and a number of frigates, destroyers and pinnaces. The larger
ships carve a way through the system to the target planet, and the pinnaces and
fighters escort the HLV’s groundside.
Model: Titan Heavy Lift Vehicle.
Class: Armored Personnel Transport
Crew: Four officers and 14 crewmembers. Can take on up to 220
additional passengers.
Auxiliary Craft: Can transport
Four Wolfhound Tanks or
Ten Trebuchet Robot Vehicles; or
40 Duelist Power Armors
M.D.C. by Location
Light defense rail guns (2) – 50
Missile launcher – 350
Particle beam cannon -- 500
Reinforced landing struts (4) – 300
Heavy lift rockets (6) – 800 each
Wings (2) – 750 each
Stabilizers (2) – 300 each
Assisted take-off thrusters (2) –
200 each
Forward reinforced bay door – 600
Aft reinforced bay door – 600
Main engines – 1,200
Reinforced crew compartment – 1,000
Cargo hold – 4,000
*Main body – 6,000
*Depleting the main body will
disable the vessel and, if in space, leave it a floating wreck. However, the
cargo bay will remain intact and can be sealed off. If in atmosphere, the
vessel will crash to the ground. The vessel has numerous safeguards that prevent
a massive explosion, no matter how low the main body gets. This significantly
increases the passengers’ odds of survival. A powerful encrypted beacon is
activated whenever the ship is disabled.
Maximum Sublight Speed:
.18 C (18% of light speed)
Max Acceleration/Deceleration Rate: 3Gs per melee round
FTL Speed: Cx365
(roughly one light year per day)
Top Atmospheric Maneuvering Speed: Mach 2 (can attain escape velocity on full engine burn)
Statistical Data
Height: 90 feet
Length: 300 feet
Width: 357 feet
Cargo: 2,000 tons
Power Plant: Helium-3
Fusion Reactor
FTL System:
Range: 60 light years
Cost: Not for sale.
Weapon Systems
1. Particle Beam
Cannon: A medium-powered particle beam
cannon is the Titan’s primary weapon. It is used mainly to assist in long-range
massed assaults in coordination with other Titans. Individually, the gun cannot
do much to a capital ship, but a large group of Titans firing together can
clear a path through most enemy vessels. The gun can rotate 45 degrees to
either side.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 1D4x100
M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Twice per
melee round
Payload: Effectively
2. Missile Launcher: A missile
launcher under the bow can fire spreads of medium-range missiles to pick off
enemy fighters and missiles. They can also be used to bomb a hostile landing
Primary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: Varies with
missile type.
Rate of Fire: Can fire
individually, or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or 12.
Payload: 12 loaded into
the launcher, with an additional reload in the cargo bay (takes 5 minutes to
3. Tail guns (2): The
Titan has a pair of rail guns mounted on either side of the rear observation
port. Each gun is assigned a gunner, who aims them by hand with computer
assistance, similar to a more advanced version of a WWII bomber’s waist guns.
These guns are used against enemy fighters and as anti-personnel weapons to
clear landing sites and provide cover for troops deploying or being evacuated
under fire.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10+10
per 10-shot burst. Can only fire bursts.
Rate of Fire: Equal to
hand-to-hand attacks of the gunner.
Payload: Each gun is
belt-fed from a 10,000-round ammo drum (1,000 bursts).
Sensors: The Titan has
standard short-range sensors with a range of 50,000 miles. They rely primarily
on the sensors of escorting vessels and used their sensors only for tracking
nearby friendly and enemy vessels and landing. Long-range sensors are limited
to digital telescopes only, used for navigation.