While every freelancer who lives for more than five minutes has some knowledge of the spacelanes and the people and worlds along them, there are few who grasp the intricacies of dealing with the various factions, laws and customs like a good frontman.
Taken from the old Earth name of a lead singer of a band, the frontman is often the “face” of a freelancer crew; negotiating deals, contracts and excelling at getting the crew out of trouble; preferably before the shooting starts. They are experts in making the system work and greasing the wheels, both legal and illegal.
The frontman can come in a variety of styles. Some are recognized leaders, often captains of their own ships, while others are refined diplomats, and others are streetwise fixers and middlemen at home in the shadows. But all consider themselves businesspeople and generally pride themselves on their professionalism. For most, their word is their bond, because if people know you don’t keep your word, all the fast-talking in the world won’t save you.
Special Skills
Contacts: The frontman or frontwoman frequently seems to know somebody wherever they go. These are people they’ve dealt successfully with in the past and who might, just might, be able to pull a few strings to get help the frontman and his or her crew get what they need. In most cases, this will be a person of some influence. The chance of knowing somebody important should be rolled whenever the player character visits a colony or a space station of any reasonable size. A successful roll means they know someone here of importance who might be able to help them with whatever their problem is. This person will NOT solve their problem for them, but they will be able to do something which tilts things more in the frontman’s favor. For example, the frontman might know the dock foreman, who can shuffle the group’s ship up the queue of ships waiting for repairs, cutting a day or two off their repair time. They might know an administrator of a space station who can slow down a rival ship with unnecessary inspections. They also might know someone who can provide them with hard-to-find equipment, weapons or permits. This contact will not put their neck out too far, and they will sometimes (but not always) require a favor of their own or maybe payment of some form. The chance of a frontman having a contact that’s relevant to their goals is 10%+5% per level for small colonies (population under 100,000) and space stations. The chance increases to 20%+5% per level for major colonies and worlds. Note that this roll is for contacts who are RELEVANT to the character’s current mission or problem. They might know hundreds of people on a colony, but that doesn’t mean any of them can actually help with whatever’s going on. This means that they should roll once every time they revisit a world or space station. A failed roll means that they do not know anyone who can help, or the person who they believe they know is away at the time (“Where’s that administrator who held up those pirates last time? We could use her help!” “Sorry guys, I checked and she’s on a trade mission to Bifrost. Won’t be back for a month.”). Keep in mind that this doesn’t prevent the GM from adding NPCs who might help if it’s part of the plot.
B.S. Detector: Frontmen and frontwomen are adept at telling when someone is feeding them a lie, especially when it’s vital to their business or survival. When an N.P.C. or even another player character is trying to hoodwink the frontman on something important, the frontman gets to make a perception roll. A roll of 12 or better means that they can tell they are being lied to by someone. Like anyone, they can be swayed by a high M.A. If the person trying to lie to them makes a successful trust roll due to a high M.A. the frontman needs to make a roll of 16 or better instead of 12 to detect the lie.
Bonuses: +1D4 to M.A., +2 to perception rolls.
Frontman O.C.C.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: None, but a high M.A. and I.Q. are recommended.
Starting S.D.C.: 20.
Racial Restrictions: None. Most popular among humans, Rhtharians and Xintrin.
O.C.C. Skills
Speak and Read Native Language: 98%
Speak Two Languages of Choice (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Basic Math: (+15%)
Galactic Law (+10%)
Barter (+15%)
Interrogation (+15%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Research (+10%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
Hand-to-hand: Basic can be upgraded to expert at the cost of one “other” skill, or to martial arts (or assassin, if evil) at the cost of two “other” skills.
Skill Focuses
The Frontman should also select one of the following skill focuses:
Commander: This character was trained as a ship’s officer or has some other background that placed them in command training. They might have been trained at a military academy or been part of a corporate shipping fleet. Remember, just because someone chooses this as a skill focus does NOT instantly make them commander of a player group or anything else.
Intelligence (+10%)
Military Etiquette (+5%)
Pilot Small Starship (+5%)
Pilot Large Starship (+5%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Lore: Galactic (+10%)
One additional W.P. of choice
Hand-to-Hand: Expert, can be upgraded to martial arts or assassin (if evil) at the cost of one “other” skill.
Additional Bonuses: +2 to save vs. Horror Factor, +1 to initiative, +3D6 S.D.C. and can choose from the Military skill list for O.C.C. related skills (+5% to any selected).
Additional Equipment: This character may be the member of the group who provides it with their spaceship, in which case they really will be the Captain. This should be decided upon by the G.M. and players at the start of the campaign. Likely to own a medium transport, like a Xintrin Free Trader, or Boone-Class Scout Ship. They also get to select one additional weapon and four clips for that weapon (if applicable).
Courtesan: This character is an entertainer and uses their talents to gain access to the upper echelon of society. What kind of entertainer varies, from musician to escort. They might even have been initially trained as a sensate. Whatever their background, they are poised, graceful and talented.
Performance (+15%; professional quality).
Wardrobe and Grooming (+15%)
Two Domestic Skills of Choice (usually Sing, Dance or Play Musical Instrument; +20%)
Literacy (one language of choice; +10%)
Seduction (+10%)
Impersonation (+10%)
Aerobic Athletics
Additional Bonuses: +2 to P.B., +1D4 to P.P.
Additional Equipment: Extensive wardrobe, musical instrument of high quality (if applicable).
Diplomat: This character is the consummate businessman, most likely having left a corporation as a low-level exec in order to make their own way. They are always professional, calm and collected and work as mediators and negotiators. They believe most problems can be solved with a firm handshake and a solid agreement, but they are not against some subterfuge now and then either.
Public Speaking (+15%)
Speak and Read one additional language of choice (+10%)
Appraise Goods (+10%)
Lore: Galactic (+15%)
Philosophy (+10%)
Creative Writing (+5%)
Two Science Skills of Choice (+10%)
Additional Bonuses: +2 to I.Q., +2 to save vs mind control, +1 to perception.
Additional Equipment: Good wardrobe, armored attaché case (10 M.D., thumbprint I.D.), an additional 2D4x10,000 starting credits.
Fixer: This frontman was educated on the streets of the colonies and usually not the rich, well-supplied ones. They know the shadow ports, back alley trade routes and the overall seedy underbelly of the intergalactic community. The law is often something to be worked around or outright broken and is generally only considered in terms of getting caught.
Surveillance (+10%)
Streetwise (+15%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+10%)
Find Contraband (+20%)
Forgery (+10%)
I.D. Undercover Agent (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
W.P. Knife
Two Physical Skills of Choice (+10% where applicable; one of or both of these skill choices can be used to upgrade hand-to-hand if desired)
Additional Bonuses: +2 to M.E., +2D6 to S.D.C., an additional +5% to all rogue skill choices. +10% to any Contacts roll performed when dealing with the criminal underworld.
Additional Equipment: Forger’s kit, vibro-knife.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six (6) other skills, plus two additional skills at levels 2, 5, 8, 11 and 14.
Communications: Any (+10%)
Cowboy: Any
Domestic: Any (+10%)
Electrical: Basic only.
Espionage: Any (+5%)
Horsemanship: “General or Cowboy only.
Mechanical: Basic only.
Medical: Any.
Military: None.
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any non-military.
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Any (+5%)
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+10%)
W.P. Ancient: Any
W.P. Modern: Any.
Wilderness Survival: Any.
Secondary Skills: Select four Secondary Skills at first level from the Secondary Skill List in the Skill Section of Rifts Ultimate Edition. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than any possible bonus for having a high I.Q. All Secondary Skills start at the base skill level.
Standard Equipment: Traveling clothes, a couple sets of high-quality clothing, light to medium body armor, energy or rocket pistol and 4 spare clips of ammunition, knife, wrist communicator (50 mile range on undeveloped worlds, works like a cell phone with unlimited planetary range on fully settled worlds), mini-laptop computer, backpack or saddlebags, sunglasses, vacuum-proof steamer trunk (25 M.D.C.) and personal effects. Also has an apartment on a major planet with three-months rent paid.
Vehicle: May have a small hovercycle or other one-man vehicle that can easily be transported on other ships, depending on skills chosen.
Starting Money: 1D6x10,000 credits.
Cybernetics: None to start, tend to avoid getting them.
Experience: Use the Rogue Scholar experience chart in Ultimate Edition Rifts.